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From the venom sacs in its cheeks 😝

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Q: How the timber rattlesnakes have venom that can kill peoples?
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Does a rattlesnake use posion to kill its prey?

Yes rattlesnakes use venom or poison to it's pray. First it goes through the venom glands to the teeth and then they bite and then the pray has venom in it.

Is it illegal to kill rattlesnakes in North Carolina?

Two of the three species found there, eastern diamondback, and timber rattlesnakes are protected.

Are there rattlesnakes in Martha's Vineyard?

No there are no Rattlesnakes on Martha's Vineyard. However there are Rattlesnakes in Massachusetts. They are called Timber Rattlesnakes and they are found in the Blue Hills Reservation near Boston, and the Connecticut River Valley and the Berkshires. Rattlesnakes in Massachusetts are ENDANGERED so it is illegal to kill, Harm, or Harass these reptiles.

Does rattlesnakes venom kill rattlesnakes if bit by a different snake?

nothing will happen if rattle snakes will bite each other they still will live

Why do diamondback snakes have fangs?

Diamondback rattlesnakes kill prey by injecting it with venom. The fangs are the tool they use for that. The fangs are hollow, and are used like hyperdermic needles to inject venom into prey.

Is a timber rattlesnake aggressive?

No, rattlesnakes are not poisonous but they are venomous. Poison must be ingested (eaten) to be toxic while a venom must be injected. Rattlesnakes can be safely eaten and the venom will not harm you unless you have an open wound in the mouth or digestive tract.

Are rattlesnakes constrictors?

Yes they are. They use constriction to kill their prey - as they have no venom to deliver a fatal bite.

Are raddle snakes poissoness?

Yes, rattlesnakes are poisonous. They have venom that they inject into their prey through their fangs in order to kill or immobilize them before consuming. It is important to exercise caution around rattlesnakes to avoid being bitten and envenomated.

Are rattlesnakes immune to other rattlesnake venom?

King snakes are immune to rattlesnake venom making it possible for them to eat rattlers as well as other snakes, rodents and birds which they kill by constriction. Don't know about roadrunners. "king snake." The roadrunner, also known as the Chaparral Cock, is one of the few animals quick enough to prey on rattlesnakes. It uses its wings like a matador's cape, snaps up a coiled rattlesnake by the tail, cracks it like a whip and slams its head against the ground to kill it. There's no indication that the bird is immune to the rattlesnake's venom.

Why are rattlesnakes poisonous?

Rattlesnakes are poisonous because that is their evolutionary adaptation, which makes it easier for them to kill other animals, either to eat them or to avoid being eaten by them. It has been speculated by biologists that the poison of rattlesnakes is particularly useful for baby rattlesnakes, who are too small to kill other creatures very easily without the use of venom. Adult rattlesnakes might well be able to survive simply on the basis of their long one way yes and another no. If u get bite by one from the waist down u r ok and from the waist up u can die from the strong poison

What type of food do rattlesnakes eat?

Rattlesnakes consume mice, rats, small birds and other small animals. They subdue their prey quickly with a venomous bite as opposed to constricting. The venom will immediately stun or kill typical prey. Rattlesnake venom can kill in 20 seconds, but a rattlesnake will follow prey that does not quickly succumb to the venom and attempts to escape. Rattlers are known to strike at distances up to two-thirds their body length.

Could rattlesnake eat other rattlesnakes?

Yes, if they wanted to. But The Rattle Snake Would Die Wouldnt They Because Of The Rattle Not true. The rattle contains no poison and is only used to warn others which therefore wouldn't kill the snakes. Rattlesnakes are also immune to their own poison as well. Rattlesnakes have venom, not poison.