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With great difficulty - it can get into many places humans can't !

The best thing to do is check warm places such as hot water tanks & pipes, or the rear of a fridge/freezer (where the heat-exchange coil is). Use this as a lesson to always make sure your reptiles cannot get out of their vivarium unless you let them out !

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Q: How too find a pet snake who got loose?
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How do you find Eddie the snake on poptropica?

exit the pet shop then follow him

Does slash have a pet snake?

Yes i believe he douse a have a pet snake. Or had i am not shure.

What snake on Animal Jam?

The snake is not offered as an animal, but players can buy a snake as a pet, for 400 gems. This pet can then be used for the "Ssssnake" pet game.

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Dudley never wanted a snake as pet. Nagini is not the same snake Harry and Dudley met in the Zoo. That snake in the Zoo was grateful for being released. And he was happy to meet a human who can speak with him.

Can you get staph infection from your pet snake?

yes so be extremely careful around your pet snake

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What is a pet snake?

A pet snake is a snake that has been raised in captivity or with people around it all the time so when it is at least a year old they can transport it to a pet shop and then you can can buy it legally and keep it as a pet. Some snakes available to keep as pets are 1. Black Indigo Snake. 2. A Garter Snake. 3. The Sinaloan Milk Snake. 4. An Eastern Hognose Snake. 5. The Leopard Rat Snake. 6. The Speckled Kingsnake 7. and a Royal Python aka the longest snake you can keep as a pet.

What is a name for an African pet snake?

A typical 'pet' species from Africa would be the African House snake.

What the snake can be used for?

a pet

What is the most popular venomous snake in the world to have as a pet?

The most popular VENOMOUS snake to have as a pet is.....a PIGMY RATTLESNAKE.

Can you buy a pet on my Sims agents?

yes all you have to do is find a pet shop and then go in, then choose the pet u want out of dog,cat,rabbit,bird,horse,or snake then finally buy

Pet corn snake live in the wild?

Yes there have been cases of pet corn's escaping their homes and making it outside. Months and even years later the owner will find the snake and it's healthy and strong so it was surviving nicely