Medusa (a virgin) was the most beautiful person in Greece. she had hazel eyes, long locks of hair and every man wanted to marry her but when she was raped by the god of sea SHE became punished and was cursed to become a ugly beast that killed anyone with just a glance.
Not at all. She felt betrayed by her Goddess Athena. She felt that it was Poseidon's fault but since Medusa was supposed to be a priestess of Athena, she was the one that took the brunt of the punishment and got turned into a creature that no one could look upon ever again. It was said that Medusa was almost as beautiful as Aphrodite herself and as additional punishment Athena marred her beauty by making her gorgeous hair into a writhing mass of serpents. So, to answer your question, No she didn't like being a Monster but she came to accept that she was never going back to who she used to be.
Medusa's Grandmother is actually Gaia the godess of the earth and her grandfather is a weirdo like u
Athena, because Medusa was bragging about her beauty, when Athena was the most beautiful godess. :)
Medusa was called Medusa... She had two sisters; Euryale and Stheno. They were the three Gorgons. Euryale and Stheno were immortal. Medusa was not.
Medusa wasn't a god. But was known/worshiped/seen as a serpent/snake godess/Priestess. She was turned from her original form into a snake-like person by Athena while she was with Poseidon.Medusa is not a god. In ancient Greek Mythology, Medusa was a monster who was so hideous that gazing upon her turned onlookers to stone.She was slain by the hero Perseus.
the godess
godess godess
it is demeter she is the godess of the harvest so that makes her the godess of corn
The sea Godess.
One, Persephone Godess of spring but know Godess of the Underworld Poor Persephone
Poseidon was Medusa's boyfriend and they were hanging out in Athena's temple. Then Athena turned Medusa into Medusa.