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Diamondback rattlesnakes are very venomous.

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Related questions

How poisonous is the diamondback?

The diamondback is not the least bit poisonous. However, it is quite venomous and capable of causing human deaths if no medical attention is sought promptly.

Is the mamba more poisonous than the taipan?

The taipan is more venomous, ounce for ounce. But the eastern diamondback is a very large snake, and dispenses copious amounts of venom.

How poisonous is a western diamondback rattlesnake?

not poisonous enough to kill you but poisonous enough to make you ill

What poisonous snakes are found in the Texas panhandle?

There are no poisonous snakes in the Texas Panhandle. However, there are two species of venomous snakes - the prairie rattlesnake and the western diamondback rattlesnake.

What is a diamondback rattler?

A rattlesnake is a poisonous pit vipe whose marking resemble diamond shaped laid point to point.

Are gold and black ladybugs poisonous?

gold and black ladybugs are poisonous

Does the eastern diamondback rattlesnake have a black tail?

No, eastern diamondbacks have a banded black and white tail.

Are black panthers poisonous?

No, they are not poisonous but, they will attack, kill, and eat you!

Are black flies poisonous?

No, black flies are not poisonous. Some may bite and leave marks as they were infected, but they are not poisonous

Which poisonous snakes give live birth in NC area?

Pit vipers. Copperhead, cottonmouth, timber and eastern diamondback rattlesnakes.

What two poisonous snakes live in the everglades?

Actually four different poisonous snakes are in the Everglades. The Eastern diamondback rattle snake. The Cotton mouth. Coral snake and the Dusky Pygmy rattlesnake live there.

