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Answered in parts as it is easier:

  1. There are no snakes (that I know of) on the planet that are naturally white, there are genetic aberrations known as albino's - and that can happen in any snake breed. So color is not an identifier of what kind of snake this is (or may have been).
  2. All snakes are potentially dangerous, depending on what type it is, and how it is dealt with; even the smallest can have nasty bites and non-venomous snakes is a misnomer as they may not have venom but most have bacteria that can prove just as, if not more, fatal.
  3. You should never deal with a snake unless you know what you are doing, or, you are supervised by someone else that does.
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11y ago

It is hard to tell you without a bit more info. I always take the position that if I don't know what something is I assume it is dangerous . A snake that is poisonous usually has a "v" shape to the head and you can see that the difference in the body where the head starts and the body begins. If the snake you ask about has this it is a viper .

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12y ago

it is..

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