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Iguanas are a type of tropical lizard. They have bony crests and are green in coloring. Iguanas are often kept as pets.

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Q: What are iguanas?
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Are iguanas picky?

Iguanas are picky.

Do iguanas have to be in the heat?

Domestic iguanas do.

What do iguanas eat and what eats iguanas?

Iguanas eat dark, leafy, green veggies. Mostly animals bigger than iguanas will eat them.

Are iguanas hirbevores?

yes iguanas are herbivores

What do iguanas have?

iguanas have a spiky tail to whip predators. (:

Do iguanas have a prehensile tail?

Iguanas do not have a prehensile tail.

How long ago did iguanas live?

Iguanas lived approximately NOW.

What kind of predator hunts iguanas?

snakes and of animals eat iguanas.

What insects do iguanas eat?

Iguanas do not eat insects because they are herbivores.

How long are iguanas?

iguanas get up to 6 ft and 11 pounds

Can iguanas be red?

Iguanas can be red...... They can change and blend colours with others....

Do desert iguanas live in a pack or alone?

Desert iguanas are not 'pack' animals. They are usually solitary but may share an area with other iguanas.