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Q: What black snake has a coral ring around neck?
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What kind of snake has a red ring around its neck and lives in Oklahoma?

that's a northern ringneck snake

What kind of snakes are all black with yellow ring around its neck?

It could be a Northern Ringneck Snake. See the related link for a picture.

Australian black snake with yellow ring around neck?

I believe you are talking about the Northern Ring snake.

What kind of snake has a black top and reddish orange underbelly and white ring around neck?

A ring-necked snake, a small snake that eats invertebrates such as slugs and worms.

What type of black snake with a gold ring around it's neck have seen in Fl and NC?

The description matches that of a Eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis). This non-venomous snake is commonly found in Florida and North Carolina. It's known for its glossy black scales and distinctive yellowish or golden collar-like ring around its neck.

What kind of snake in Willamette valley Oregon black snake with bright orange underbelly and ring around neck?

Diadophis punctatus

Is there a picture of a black snake with a yellow ring around its neck that was found in va?

That picture is of a prairie ringkneck snake. Goto google and search ringkneck snake.

What is a black snake with a gold ring around its neck called?

It's a ring neck snake, grows to about 20" long and feeds on worms, salamanders. found from Nova Scotia to Boston

What is the name of the snake around Lord Shiva's neck?

The name of snake around Lord Shiva's neck is Vasuki.

What kind of snake is this grayish black with orange band in neck?

mud snake

In Virginia Beach what snake is black with a orange ring around its neck and an orange belly?

A ring snake non venomous or a red belly water snake but it don't have a ring

How dangerous is a black snake with two yellow stripes?

The vast majority are not dangerous, but some species pose a risk to humans. These include the yellow-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis platurus) and the coral snake (Micrurus fulvius). Most garter snakes are black or grey with at least one long, yellow stripe running from the neck to the tail.