If you mean by resemble; what does a bearded dragon look like, I would probably say an Ankylosaurus.
a bearded dragon
No it is not ! The Bearded dragon is a native reptile of Australia.
Eastern bearded dragon was created in 1829.
Central Bearded Dragon was created in 1926.
yeah its a normal bearded dragon it just means its like a teenager not a baby not a adult x
Bearded dragon.
Yes a bearded dragon is a lizard.
The full breakdown of the groups for a Bearded Dragon are :-Domain:EukaryotaKingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:ReptiliaOrder:SquamataSuborder:LacertiliaFamily:AgamidaeSubfamily:AgaminaeGenus:Pogona
A bearded dragon when adult can run up to 15 mph
Bearded Dragons are a lizard
Obviously bearded clams
No, bearded dragons are not poisonous.