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Ball pythons eat several different things when they are in the wild. They will eat other snakes, birds, lizards, and small animals.

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10y ago
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15y ago

baby ball pythons eat pinkies/fuzzies/ maybe hoppers, depending on the size of your baby ball python.

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14y ago

lizards, mice and rats if possible and they somtimes drink sap out of trees


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12y ago

small animals such as field mice and baby bunnies

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12y ago

Like most snakes it consists of rodents. In captivity several rats would be fed once a week.

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Q: What do snakes eat in the wild?
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Yes, snakes are carnivorous and often eat rodents like mice as part of their diet. In the wild, some snake species primarily feed on small mammals such as mice to survive.

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off the top of my head i know that snakes will, and turtles

What do wild snakes eat?

Wild snakes typically feed on a diet of rodents, birds, eggs, insects, and sometimes other small reptiles. The specific prey depends on the species and size of the snake. Some snakes are carnivorous and hunt live prey, while others may also scavenge for food.

Can anything eat a snake?

Yes many things in this world can eat snakes. Road Runners in the wild west can eat snakes. Some desert mice can eat snakes. Even humans eat snakes in Texas, and in other parts of the world. So of course many things can eat snakes.

Do Red -Bellied snakes eat decomposers?

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Are snakes wild animals?

What a stupid question. YES snakes are wild animals.