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Turtle is considered by some Native Americans to be one of their the oldest, most sacred symbols. They believed that North America was created on the back of The Great Mother, a turtle.

In the far east, turtle was carved and worn as a talisman for power over all forms of bad magic.

Earthy, grounded, longevity, protection, shelter, steady.

The turtle's shell resembled a dome and was seen as a symbol of the dome of heaven -hence heavenly virtue

Generally turtle is seen to represent: self-containment, creative source, earthiness, being grounded, longevity, protection, shelter, and a steady approach to life.

In dreams they are interpreted as patience, wisdom, or hiding something essential.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Seeing and interacting with turtles, especially sea turtles that wave at you along Hawaii's North Shore, means that you are in a good place right now and should enjoy it. Bask in the sun (as another not-to-be-trusted site says), and take each step and moment as it comes. For just like the turtle, you are winning the race even though it appears the hare's my be out pacing you. Hare's can't swim or wave. Turtles can.

So if you see exactly this situation, and no variance of this situation, that's what it means.

...oh, and, check your underwear drawer for wookies and sand.

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9y ago

In general, it would seem that the appearance of a tortoise (land dwelling as opposed to water dwelling turtles) in a dream or vision is something of a universal marker that the experience has a spiritual significance.

Use your own wisdom as regards any specific and personal meaning. Obvious, but perhaps too shallow, suggestions often include traits like slow and powerful, "being in one's shell," old and wise, and such. Of course, there are dreams which are just dreams and mean nothing more.

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13y ago

Devotion, frienship and faithfulness. Also the release of the soul at death.

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15y ago

Turtle Defense against obstacles, fertility, helpful criticism, security, slow gains. some native American paths see Turtle as representative of Mother Earth.

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15y ago

its the symbol of Hermes.

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