There are a few snakes that match your description. If you live in the Pacific Northwest down to California and even all the way into northern Idaho, my guess is that it is a Pacific garter snake. They can be larger than the regular garter snakes, and love to eat slugs out of your garden.
grey and black
The cat is grey with dark grey stripes. It also has some small white stripes on it as well.
There are no Australian animals with black and white stripes. Tasmanian devils are black with a white stripe across their chest. Numbats are tan with black stripes, and the Thylacine was grey-brown with black stripes.
Yes, white tigers do have stripes. They have a white coat with black or dark brown stripes, just like their orange counterparts. The stripes are a result of a genetic mutation.
either a mix of the two (grey with white spots, very light grey, white with grey stripes, etc....) , or they will be solid grey or white... just depends on their genes....
grey... yeah... its a conspiracy theory... but dude you know whats messed up? this is related to the question are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes...
There are a few types of bees that can be described as having gray and black stripes. This includes the mining bee and the white faced hornet.
Seagull eggs are many differernt colors but the main colors are creamy white with brown and tan speckles on them.
Usually white with brown or dark grey stripes, blue eyes. They are only genetic mutations of the Bengal tiger.
It could be in a Maine Coon - Kittylover2422
<font color =grey>the british flag has 17 stripes on it</font color=grey> the British flag
The stripes will be dark grey, almost black.