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Q: What type of snakes live the Deciduous forest?
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What type of biome does a armadillo live?

deciduous forest and desert

Who lives in the temperate deciduous forest?

If you type in who lives in michgan, it will be the same answer! Michgan is part of a temperate deciduous forest. There are birds, bunnies, snakes, lizerds, trees, turtles, and alot more.

What type of animals in the deciduous forest?

i think it could be elk squirrels or anything that might live in a forest

What type of biome do you live in if you live in Oklahoma?

It could be possible that Oklahomans could live in a taiga or a deciduous forest.

What type of environment does the deciduous forest have?

Tropical .

What type of storms the deciduous forest?


Which type of forest contain many trees that shed their leaves during the fall and winter?


What type of owls live in the deciduous?

Deciduous Owls

Why do porcupines live in the deciduous forest?

Not all porcupines live in deciduous forests. There are around 24 different species of porcupine ranging from Asia, Africa, America and Europe, and their habitat can be deserts, grassland or forests of any type.

What is the type of forest where trees loose their leaves in the winter?


What type of birds inhabit the tropical deciduous forest?


What are the names of rocks in the Temperate Deciduous Forest?

There is no direct connection between the forest and the rocks underneath its soil. You can get deciduous forest on any type of soil if the climatic conditions are right.