caracal does not live in a temperate forest
For a map of the range of the caracal, click on this link.
The caracal (Caracal caracal), also known as the desert lynx, is a wild cat widely distributed across Africa, Central Asia, and Southwest Asia.
Felis caracalThe correct scientific name is Caracal caracal (Schreber 1776). Synonyms are Felis caracal and Lynx caracal.The 8 subspecies (linked to location) are:Caracal caracal algiraCaracal caracal caracalCaracal caracal damarensisCaracal caracal limpopoensisCaracal caracal lucaniCaracal caracal nubicaCaracal caracal poecilotisCaracal caracal schmitzi
Scrubland, woodland, etc. They can live pretty much anywhere.
The caracal is distributed over Africa and the Middle East.
The Caracal (Caracal caracal), also called Persian Lynx or African Lynx
The caracal is active during the night.