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Most gecko species are not an agressive animal. Although some can be at times, or during certain circumstances, a geckos first reaction is to run. When housing geckos together in the same terrarium, there's a couple of factors to think about first. Geckos are solitary creatures in the wild and only interact with one of the opposite sex during breeding season. When captivly housed, people tend to house animals in pairs, or trio's and with another gecko or two around, there's bound to be accidents. To ensure no bites on one another, animals should be housed individually to reduce the chances of a missing tail. When animals are housed together, there are a couple of things that can cause one animal to bite another.

If males are housed together, there will be fights. Males will prove dominance and usually fight till death.

When a male and female are housed together, at the right ages, mating will occur. when this occurs, the male will bite on to the side of the females neck to hold her in place during intercourse.

Babies that are housed together often will have their attention grabbed by a tankmates trailing tail. Babies that are 5-10 grams will start to show signs of male or female. 90% of the time, babies that are acting aggressive are usually males. in other cases, certain females do not enjoy being housed in groups.

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No you will not get sick.

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They normally hiss and bite only when threatened... or just really mad that no one wants to save 15% on his insurance. :)

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leopard geckos don't bite very hard. its bite force is probably around 15 pounds

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They require almost the exact same care, but I like my panther geckos more because they are a bit smaller, cleaner, and never bite

How do geckos defend themself?

They may bite, screech, and drop their tails.

Are gecko's harmful to humans?

Most geckos are not harmful to humans. They are generally shy and prefer to avoid interactions. Some geckos may bite if they feel threatened, but their bite is not toxic or dangerous to humans.

Do geckos bite?

Geckos will bite you if you make them mad. For example, a gecko doesn't like it if you pet them under their chin, of you do that for a while they will bite you. being bit by a gecko doesn't hurt, it feels like someone is squeezing your finger, not even a pinch, a squeeze. no they are very harmless it takes a LOT of provoking to make a gecko bite

What geckos can live with flying geckos?

Animals of the same natural habbitat may co exist with one another. If another species is coming from the same regions as the flying gecko they can be housed together. It is highly not reccomended though for avid reptile keepers.

What different types of lizards are there?

the most common lizard for famlies to own are leopard geckos i have one myself and theyont bite and it wouldn,t even hurt if it did but there are over 2500different types

How much for leopard geckos?

Hello a normal leopard gecko is about $30.00 another one is a albino leopard gecko is $50.00

Why do leopard geckos bite and how can it be prevented or managed?

Leopard geckos may bite out of fear, stress, or feeling threatened. To prevent or manage biting, it's important to handle them gently, avoid sudden movements, and give them time to get used to you. Providing a comfortable and stress-free environment can also help reduce the likelihood of biting.