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It depends what you mean by randomly. If its not eaten anything for one or two days - but regains its appetite, I wouldn't worry. However - if it's been more than a couple of days - take it to a vet for a check up !

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Q: Why has your 10 month old bearded dragon randomly stopped eating?
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What can be done for a bearded dragon that stops eating?

feed it

Your bearded dragon isn't eating a lot?

somethings wrong

Why isn't your bearded dragon eating?

because it is sick or thirsty.

Why is your female bearded dragon fighting with your male bearded dragon shes practically eating his tail?

separate them. maybe they are fighting over territory, or they are mating

Why your bearded dragon stop eating?

i dont know. take him to the vets and find out

Will a hawk eat a bearded dragon?

Yes. A hawk is a bird of prey, like falcons and owls. They eat rodents, rabbits, smaller birds, snakes, and small lizards. You would not, however, see a hawk eating a hawk or other predatory bird-or a large lizard, for that matter-like you would a bearded dragon eating a bearded dragon.

What are the effects of bearded dragon brumation?

The effects of bearded dragon brumation are Sleepiness and a decrease in eating but they will wake up and eat normally. If your bearded dragon does not eat foods like pear, apple crickets, leaf greens and various vegetables at all, does not wake up and twitchy movements in the limbs, your bearded dragon is suffering from stress and could possibly end up in dead.

Why does your bearded dragon like eating sweet stuff like popsicles and donuts?

Because it has a sweet tooth :D

Will a schnoodle eat a bearded dragon?

Your dog should never be allowed to get close enough to the lizard to even contemplate eating it !

Why should there be no sand in a cage for a bearded dragon?

the bearded dragon can easily accidentally eat the sand while eating crickets. if it eats too much it can get impacted with the sand and die. its also possible for the sand to get stuck in the cloaca while defecating or in the eyes.

Why is one bearded dragon twice as big as the other?

Either because it's eating more - or is much older than the other one.

Do bearded dragons get stomach aches?

Yes bearded dragons can get stomach aches due to: Eating meal worms, meal worms have hard exoskeletons with very little meat and can make your bearded dragon constipated, Over feeding, or interacting with your bearded dragon less than 2 hrs after he/she has eaten, you have to allow your pet to bask for at least 2 hrs which allows them to properly digest their meal (also not to get pooped on ;)