

How do you spell lunch and recess in spanish?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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15y ago

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almuerzo=> lunch recreo=> recess

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Q: How do you spell lunch and recess in spanish?
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After eating lunch, the children go outside for recess. After a brief recess, the jurors continued their deliberations.

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How do you spell and say lunch in spanish?

lunch (noun) = el almuerzo (ell alMWAIRthaw) ('th' as in 'thin') to lunch (verb) = almorzar (almorrTHARR) ('TH' as in 'thin')

What is a sentence for recession?

After eating lunch, the children go outside for recess. After a brief recess, the jurors continued their deliberations.

Why shouldn't we have recesss?

Recess doesn't make sense! We shouldn't have it! I am in 6th grade and we have recess and i don't like it. It takes time away from lunch. We shouldn't have recess.

Do you have recess and lunch in high school?

You have lunch but not recess.You only get 100 mins to do your homework or go out side.

Should kids get no recess?

They should because if they been in school a long time they need their break which is lunch and recess and it will keep them happy.

How would you spell recess in plural?

The plural is "recesses".

What is to play as recess is to school?

Playground or theater, depending on the meaning of play

What do schools do now?

Math and reading before lunch then recess,speials,intergarded,and dissmisel.

Have lunch with you in Spanish?

"tener el almuerzo contigo" is "to have lunch with you" in Spanish.