yeah sure. Sonic The Hedgehog (SatAM) Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Underground Sonic X there you go. have fun!
Because they are working on sonic heros 14
It's all a matter of opinion some say its fun others say it isn't, personally i think Sonic the Hedgehog is a fun game.
they make fun of you and your grammer of course.
You bet the funnies game!
Go to any stage where sonic is your partner, get a second controller and have fun!
The list of top rated sonic games is available online. Just to name one of the most popular one is Sonic The Hedgehog which is fun to play for the whole family.
Probably Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic the Hedgehog 3! Sonic 2 is fun but sonic 1&3 are better! Sonic CD is really fun too. Knuckles Chaotix is fun too. So the best Sonic games are: Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic CD Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (my favorite!) Knuckles Chaotix Sonic 3 and knuckles is the best. You can download most of them on your PC! Just go to, then search the game, then click on it, and it will download the game from On GameFabrique you can download almost every Genesis (including CD, and 32X), and SNES games! To download SNES games go to Both of this sites are from the same creators!sonic colours
Yes. Sonic is lazy. The reason why? Well in Sonic x, Sonic just lays around the house or on the roof. In sonic underground he always does the fun stuff and lets Manic and Sonia do all the work. That is why Sonic is LAZY!
If you enjoy the old Sonic games from the 2D side-scroller generation, then yes.
It's fun. And free.