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The most popular is black tea. This is because during WWII green tea from Japan was not available because they were our enemies. Therefore people started drinking black tea from places like India because that was all that was available. Today the most popular tea in America remains black tea.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Most of the tea consumed worldwide is black tea. In terms of brands, Lipton tea is the most widely consumed brand of tea. The countries that produce the most tea are China and India (their amount produced is similar, some years one has produced more, some years others).

In terms of specialty teas, it's hard to say which ones are most popular. There are numerous tea competitions, and the winners of these competitions vary hugely from year to year, in part because among specialty teas, the quality of a tea varies widely from one year to the next and from one season to another.

You can also use tea community websites or browse the community of tea blogs to get a sense of which teas are most popular among internet users.

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13y ago

The best tea would be the Great British Tea Company in England.

I have tried many brands like Lipton, Typhoo, Tetley, Ahmad, PG Tips, Pickwick but the best I could say is produced by Great British Tea Company.

I would say that Lipton, Dilmah, Arizona, Bigelow teas are average in quality.

Lipton and Nestea and Great British Tea Company England are good, I like Bigelow tea and Arizona iced tea is good too

Bushells green and Dilma Lipton.

Bio3 Natural Health Products has a variety of organic teas that come in eco-friendly tea bags with no staple.

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Sagar Patel

Lvl 7
3y ago

In today's life, everyone is concern about their healthy life. Agreed? So, nowadays people move towards healthy life and choose green tea first. But, when it comes to India, people are more concerned with the taste of the Tea. Commonly bought Tea in India are Waghbakri, Jivraaj9, Brookbond Red Label, etc. If you too are missing that Indian Taste then I have the best option for you all... Check in to "Kesar Grocery" today and grab your favorite Indian products from there. The best part is you don't need to go anywhere to buy them, Kesar Grocery will deliver at your doorstep.

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16y ago

Based on a Boston Globe article last night. I believe it is PG Tips followed by Tetley then Baarry's.

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13y ago

The most popular drink in England is Coke or Diet Coke.

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13y ago

I'm going to have to say water even if soda, alcohol or juice's were a thought they all contain water ...

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10y ago

Tea is the most popular drink in Britain.

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13y ago

lipton tea and the green tea or black

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