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Q: What is the name of the worlds smallest nightclub?
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How old is the worlds smallest man?

He is 24. His name is Niqo Hernandez.

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In South america called the "Zahra"

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They are called pygmy marmosets and they are the worlds smallest apes.

What is the proper name for the worlds smallest cell?

The smallest type of cell in the world is the mycoplasma bacterium with only a diameter of 10µm (micrometre).

What is the worlds smallest passenger plane?

The worlds smallest passenger plane is probably a piper jet

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Wolffia globosa is the world's smallest flowering plant that produces the world's smallest fruit.

What is the name of the smallest nightclub?

there are tiny nighclubs in Tokyo japan that can only seat 4 or 5 people and maybe 2 couples can dance.

Where are the worlds smallest mammals?

The worlds smallest mammals as a group are shrews and are found in almost every country.

Worlds smallest dog?

I think Chihuahua's are the smallest breed.

Worlds Smallest Tree?

the smallest tree in the world is small