This traditional English dish is usually served by cutting a serving portion on a plate ladled with gravy on top. It is usually accompanied with mashed potatoes and vegetables such as carrots, peas and green beans.
what the toad in the hole food is sausages and pastry
yes you can it is quit simple
toad in the hole
Toad In The Hole.
It is in Gross-ery.
toad in the hole
Lahs of em'.
Some of the advantages of Toad in the Hole are that it is quick and simple to make, one normally will have all of the ingredients on hand, and it is a very tasty dish. On the other hand, Toad in the Hole can be high in calories and high in fat, both of which can be considered disadvantages. Especially if you are watching your weight.
Sausage is the main ingredient.