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The Left foot, go to this site for pictures:


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Q: A right handed bowler slides on which foot?
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What foot should a right handed bowler begin on?

The right foot. It is more important that a right handed bowler end on the left foot, but may start on either foot. If you start on the right foot you have an even number of steps before releasing the ball. If you start on the left foot you have an odd number of steps before releasing the ball.

What foot goes on the front of a skateboard?

left if ur right handed right is ur left handed

What is Victoria Justice's Favorite FOOT?

I believe what you are asking is if Victoria Justice is right handed, and the answer to that would be yes, she is right handed.

What does goofy footed mean?

Goofy footed is when you are right handed and your right foot goes on front of your board, or left handed with left foot onnfrontGoofy footed is a term used in skateboarding, snowboarding and in surfing. It is the opposite of regular stance. One prefers to lead with one's right foot in goofy foot. Your right foot stands in front of you.

In soccer people use their right foot but are left handed?

It can happen. Take Ruud van Nistelrooy. He is right footed but left handed. A non footballing example would be Rafael Nadal. Plays tennis left handed, but he is right handed

Do you put your right or left foot in front on a ripstik?

im right handed and im the total opposite but it might be for only me cause i hold my forks and knives wrong hands so yeah do wat he said right handed=left foot on first(sometimes) left handed=right foot on first(sometimes) but if ur different (or normal or wat ever) its opposite

How far apart should your feet be when shooting a basketball?

About 11cm apart and if you are right handed, you right foot should be slightly more in front than your left and if you're left handed your left foot should be slightly in front of your right.

Am i left handed or right handed I write and eat right piano too i kick with my right foot i play sports left?

i would say you are ambi-dexerous which means you are both.

What foot do you put first the ball in cricket?

Depends in if you are a left or a right handed.if you are a right handed(like me) you put your left leg in first.and if you are a left handed you put your right leg in first

What foot should be forward when shooting a handgun?

It depends on who you ask and what stance the person claims is the best, however, generally speaking, if you are right handed, your left foot should be forward or your right foot should be back.

How do you do the sidewalk like Michael Jackson?

1) stand straight flat on the floor 2) take your left leg (depends if your left handed or right handed) 3) then glid it slightly over top of your right foot 4) place your foot that you jus glided over your right foot on the floor 5) then slightly push making yourself glid

Is Sebastian giovinco a lefty or a righty?

There is no information online that points to Sebastian Giovinco being a left handed or a right handed person. However, there is information online that states he uses his right foot to kick.