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no Tony Hawk does not make airwalk ahoes but at one point he was sponcored by them

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Q: Does Tony Hawk make air walk shoes?
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How do you walk on Tony Hawk 4 for GameCube?

you can't walk in that game trust me ive tried so many times it's never worked

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Why do shoes make footstep noises?

Shoes make footstep noises because you walk on hardwood floors that make noise, if you take off your shoes, then there will be no noise, wear a sock to prevent noise.

When was Walk a Mile in My Shoes created?

Walk a Mile in My Shoes was created in 1969.

How shoes impact us in a good way?

Shoes make it easier to walk on bad surfaces. They keep our feet warm and dry.

How does a hawk's feet help it?

help it walk

What are balanced shoes for?

you can walk with your shoes properly.

What does it mean if a hawk crosses your path?

You can walk on clouds

How do you make shoes to walk up walls?

you could attach tiny suction cups to your hands and feet