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jump up on the bridge from the car wash and grind the edge where the guy in the car is balanced

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Q: How do you stop the car chase on Tony Hawk pro skater 3?
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How do you start the earthquake on Tony Hawk pro skater 3?

u stop and bump

How old when Tony Hawk stop skating?

he still skates

When did Tony Hawk stop using his first skateboard?

He was about 11

Can you sell Tony Hawk ride or dj hero to game stop?

Yes you can.

When did the n64 stop being made?

The N64 would have been halted in production once the Game Cube came out. So this would have been around 2001 to 2003. The last games made for N64 were Madden 2002, Paper Mario, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3. .j.

Is there any way to remove the censor in new Orleans during tony hawk underground 2?

stop being a geek and searchj on the internet...

How do you get skater hair?

Be yourself and stop caring about "skater hair". Be yourself, and, oh yeah, be yourself.

Why did Tony Hawk stop competing?

As of early 2013, Tony Hawk is still skateboarding at least 4 days a week. If you are referring to why he stopped competing in the early 2000's, there are myriad answers, but the short version, paraphrased from Tony's words, is that the contests were less interesting to him, and his schedule got to the point where he could do other things and help skateboarding more by spending his time doing demos, clinics and other activities. Please note, though, that Tony entered the Protec Pool Party at the Vans Skatepark in Orange, CA, in May of 2012. Do a YouTube search and I"m sure you'll find this and many other videos of Tony skating in 2012. Or check his Instagram account.

What force is responsible for the slowing down of a figure skater as he slides across the skating rink?

Friction with the air and even on ice will slow the skater down to a stop.

Why will an ice skater eventually stop moving?

An ice skater will eventually stop moving due to friction between their skates and the ice surface. This generates heat, causing the ice to melt slightly and create a thin layer of water. The skater then glides on this water layer, which significantly increases friction and eventually slows them down.

How do you complete the mission on tony hawk's underground where you jump over the copter doing a mctwist?

Spam buttons. just spam buttons thats how i did it. the best advice for games is to stop talking about it and just do it. sure it's frustrating, but not playing will get you no where

How do you stop birds from attacking your pups on wolfquest?

For me, I grab the pup the hawk is after, stand next to my partner (or mate), wait for the hawk to go on the ground, and just stand there. The hawk will circle around me once, then fly away. Here's another way: You grab the pup the hawk is after, wait for the hawk to go on the ground, then RUN AWAY! Put the pup on the ground somewhere, not too far away from the hawk, but not to close either, then run to the hawk and press spacebar--bite it. It will fly away. But there is no way you can make the hawk stop coming back. If my two strategies work for you, I'm glad I could help. :)