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Q: How do you use a roller bandage?
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What is the use of a Roller bandage in the First Aid kit?

A roller bandage can be used for compression or to immobilize an injured body part.

How do you use a roller bandage to cover a wound on the leg?

To cover a wound on a leg using a roller bandage, gauze must first be applied to the injury. The main point of a roller bandage is to secure other dressings for the wound. A roller bandage, as the name suggests, is rolled around the wound and then tied off. The knot should be placed directly over, or as close as possible to the location of the wound.

When using an elastic or roller gauze bandage by how much should you overlap the bandage with each wrap?

1/2 inch -Christian Marlar PCA

What type of bandage can be dangerous if it is stretched to tight?

There are four types of bandages used. They are tubular, crepe, roller and special bandages. The crepe bandage when stretched too tight will be dangerous.

What could you substitute for a tourniquet?

You can fashion a makeshift tourniquet from a cravat, kerchief, scarf or roller bandage. My favorite is a necktie. Then use a stick, rod, or even an oxygen wrench as a windlass to tighten it.

What is another name for an Ace bandage?

There are a few names for an Ace Bandage and they are as follows; elastic wrap, compression bandage, stretchable bandage, pressure bandage and crepe bandage. The common use is to use them for muscle sprains and strains, by reducing the flow of blood to the area to reduce swelling at the place of injury.

How can you use word bandage in sentences?

I see that it is time to change your bandage. That bandage may not be large enough to cover your wound.

Your 1 and a half yr old cut her finger can you use liquid bandage on cut?

You can use a non-toxic liquid bandage, such as Johnson and Johnson Band-Aid Brand Liquid Bandage.

The type of bandage this is dangerous if it is stretched to tight but is the easiest to use is called what?

The type of bandage this is dangerous if it is stretched to tight but is the easiest to use is called what?

May you use bandage in a sentence?

Yes.Ex:Hurry and bandage the cut before it bleeds too much!

The blank type of bandage can be dangerous if it is streched to tight but it is the easiest to use?

An Ace or elastic bandage can be dangerous if it is stretched to tight but it is the easiest to use.

Should you use a tensor bandage on your ankle?

A person should use a tensor bandage on their ankle if they believe their ankle has been sprained or twisted. The tensor bandage should only be worn when a person is participating in an activity.