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Q: How many pulleys needed to lift 300 lbs?
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How much force must be used to lift 300 lbs with 4 pulleys?

Using 4 pulleys will reduce the amount of force needed. With each additional pulley, the force required is divided by the number of supporting ropes, so with 4 pulleys, the force required would be 1/4 of the weight, or 75 lbs.

How much effort force would you use to lift a 300 kg weight with a fixed pulley?

a lot

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In tenpin bowling, a perfect game is 300.

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To determine the amount of tea needed to serve 300 people, we first need to establish the serving size per person. Let's assume a standard serving size of 8 ounces (1 cup) per person. With 300 people to serve, the total amount of tea needed would be 300 cups. To convert this into gallons, we divide by 16 (since there are 16 cups in a gallon), resulting in 18.75 gallons of tea needed to serve 300 people.

What effort is required to lift a 300 kg weight?

On earth, any vertical force greater than 661.39 pounds will lift a mass of 300 kg.

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How much force will be required to lift a weight if it weighs 300 pounds?

If the weight is 300 pounds, you will need to apply a force of at least 300 pounds to lift it against the force of gravity. This force is known as the weight of the object.

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How many points are needed for a perfect roll in ten pin bowling?

300 is a perfect score.

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How many fps is the BT OMEGA?

300, There is a velocity adjuster (alan wrench needed) on the left side.