Original bank rolls of bicentennial coins are not scarce or rare and most are only face value plus a $1.00-$3.00 premium above face value.
The 1776-1976 bicentennial half dollar is an extremely common date, still worth 50 cents.
It's still worth one dollar.
It's still worth one dollar.
That's a bicentennial dollar, and it's still worth one dollar.
It's still worth one dollar.
It's still only worth one dollar.
It's still worth one dollar.
It's still worth 50 cents.
That's the bicentennial dollar, extremely common, and still worth one dollar.
The coin is not a "Liberty" silver dollar, it's a Susan B. Anthony and was never made from silver only copper-nickel. The coin is still in circulation today and is face value
Although it's the first year of issue, many rolls are still available from banks. It's just a dollar.
1979 makes it a Susan B. Anthony dollar. Millions were minted, but it was barely used in circulation. It's still worth one dollar.