Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. (ROYGBIV)
Beautiful in my eyes... :D
You can not do it anymore, it was in a puffle catalog a long time ago. sorry!
WORLD RECORD RAINBOW TROUT PULLED FROM LAKE DIEFENBAKERMonday December 1, 200838.5 inches in length34 inches around43.6 pounds
You have to have a YELLOW Puffle and give it a bath to become a Rainbow Penguin on Club Penguin.
Because the center of the raibow you see is on the line from the sun through your head. When the sun is low, the center of the rainbow is high, and you see more of it. When the sun is high, the center of the rainbow is low, and you see less of it.
Screen colors are defined by which colors ?
Screen colors are defined by which colors ?
Colors that aren't primary colors are called secondary colors, intermediate colors, or tertiary colors, depending on how they are created.
Any colors.
The colors produced by mixing primary colors and secondary colors are known as tertiary colors. These colors are created by combining adjacent primary and secondary colors on the color wheel.