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A wrap-around skirt is a wider skirt at the bottom, and cut from hem to waist with a long attached tie at the waist. A girl or woman takes the skirt (think of a cape), puts the waistband at the waist line, and "closes" the skirt -- usually the separation "line" is up the middle of the left thigh for right-handed females. The cloth underneath prevents the skirt from having a slit where anyone would see skin, but instead the right side covers the left side. Once it is wrapped around, the female ties the attached belt. Tying is usually in a small knot with both ends hanging down... or a small knot with a loopy bow on it. Most wrap-around skirts in the 1960s-1970s were knee length.

One problem with wrap around skirts is a female MUST secure the ties at the waist, for personal comfort and security. A loosely tied wrap can loosen more and the skirt can open if improperly tied. Otherwise, they are like any other skirt.

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Q: What is a wrap skirt?
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How do you remove type r side skirts 03 plate?

Very easily done - There is a few bolts at the front of the skirt, underneath the skirt, and at the back of the skirt. untighten, and remove skirt. Job Done.. -Oli Very easily done - There is a few bolts at the front of the skirt, underneath the skirt, and at the back of the skirt. untighten, and remove skirt. Job Done.. -Oli