If you are talking about the swirly pole thing, they are called corkscrew climbers.
The Blue swirly thing is a spot to deal drugs when finished the whole game so you can roam around different dealers and still mark your turf
it's a vector swirl!
a swirly wedgieis a weige at the same time as a swirly!!!
my hair is swirly (:whirlpool
Swirly probably IS a word. Swirly: Swirl-like, spiral-like, spiralish
I believe it is when a certain some one dips your cranium in a toilet and flushes it...Right?
Swirly Termination was created in 2000.
A swirly print...also known as paisley.
yes a swirly can kill you because the flowing water can drown you
it's like a regular swirly except when it's that time of the month
The swirly things on the side of the violin are the C bout and the F hole