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Q: What safety precaution should be used when using a ball hammer?
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do not let the substance that your transferring touch you

What are some safety precautions for using generator equipment?

Overload cords can start fires or cause damages. You should have an double-throw safety switch. Having you generator inspected can also be an added safety precaution.

What safety precaution should one take using a Bunsen burner?

Wear goggles and don't sit down, not letting your clothes catch fire is another good idea.

What safety precaution should you take when using a Bunsen burner and why?

Wear goggles and don't sit down, not letting your clothes catch fire is another good idea. No why given.

Which general precaution should be followed when using hand tools?

Safety is important when handling any tool.First thing that should be done is to read the manual that comes with the tool kit.If possible wearing heavy duty gloves and goggles will add to the persons safety.

Safety precaution in using fuel?

There are several safety precautions that should be used when working around fuels. Specifically, always turn the car off when fueling up. Additionally, if a fire breaks out while using a petrol pump, do not worry about removing the nozzle, just get away from the fire and get help.

What Precaution should be taken while using CNG in vehicles?

i need answer

Purpose for conducting safety briefings include?

Safety briefings are meetings to educate staff as a precaution to prevent injuries, disease or property damage caused by not using safety measures that are in place.

What are the safety precautions in using a fire extinguisher?

the main precaution is to handle fuel with care,if it is a liquid then keep in close container