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The cheapest rolling pin is one that you can make yourself from a round dowel that can be bought at Home Depot. You cut to size and sand the edges to the desired comfort level.

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Q: What stores offer cheap rolling pins?
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Related questions

Where might one purchase a rolling pin?

Rolling pins can be purchased at most big box retail stores such as Walmart, Target and Kohl's. Higher end rolling pins can be purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond.

Why are rolling pins heavy?

Not all rolling pins are. The weight helps flatten what you are rolling.

Where can flag lapel pins be bought?

There are many stores which offer the consumer the opportunity to purchase flag lapel pins. For example, Amazon, USA Military Medals, e4Hats and Imprint items.

What were rolling pins invented for?

For spreading dough i think :J

Did the earliest humans fight each other?

with rolling pins

What did they use as rolling pins in the middle ages?

I imagine they had a rolling pin type item. I have seen some drawings that show an rolling pin type item.

Where can you find Disneyland pins?

You can find Disney pins in Disney theme park stores. You can also trade your pins with Disney theme park workers and other people that have pins. Before you get pins you might want to get a necklace to hold all your pins. They can also be found in stores in Disney theme parks.

What pharohs' tombs were built using the incline plane and rolling pins?


What is the best website to buy cheap broaches and pins?

This site ( has a number of good broaches and pins.

Where can one purchase diaper pins?

One can purchase diaper pins from many different stores and retailers. Some examples of stores that sell diaper pins include Natural Baby and bunnyberry.

How do athletes get ten pins down in bowling?

Good aim and proper rolling technique.

How do you remove the trigger from a rolling block rifle?

There is no one rolling block rifle, and no one answer. Most are held on pins that must be pushed out with a pin punch.