Yes, He invented turntables
Daniel Bernoulli came from a family of mathematicians. Daniel was credited with advances in fluid mathematics as well as probability and statistics.
Daniel Gabriel created them, he was a German physicist.
bananas are the fruit of life and peaches are yucky
the very first windmill. this is not a reliable resource anyone can answer
well a coding to the record is that he invented heart surgery
Yes, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit did invent the mercury thermometer in 1714. He used mercury because of its uniform expansion and contraction properties, making it suitable for accurate temperature measurement.
He invented the vacuum cleaner im sorry if im incorrect you can google it if u need help
Daniel Hess invented the vacuum cleaner in 1860. He patented a machine for cleaning floors using suction power generated by bellows and a brush.
Charles F. Kettering, and Henry M. Leland, of Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company (DELCO) invented and filed U.S. Patent 1,150,523 for the first electric starter in America, in 1911.