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Q: Which game is Riolu in?
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How do you become a riolu in explorers of sky?

in the game you have to take the personality test if you get it right or your personality is riolu you get to be him

Is Rx-1 riolu supposed to be in your diamond game?

what is that

Can you get a soothebell a secondtime in Pokemon diamond for riolu?

no unless you start the game over

How can you be riolu in Pokemon mystery dougen explorers of darkness?

You have to complete the game, and then recruit it.

How do you get a shiny Riolu in Pokemon Pearl?

A shiny Riolu is like any other shiny Pokemon in the game, for every Pokemon that you encounter, there is a 1 in 8192 chance that it will be shiny.

What trainer has riolu in Pokemon Diamond?

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl the only way to get/see Riolu is in an egg. You can get the Riolu egg from Riley in Iron Island. You must have an empty space in your party then go through it with him and defeat a few Galatic Grunts. Then you will receive an egg, when it hatches you will have a Riolu. This is the only way to see/own it in the game. I hope this answers your question!

How do you be riolu in Pokemon explorers of sky?

sassy male only

How do you catch riolu in Pokemon FireRed?

Riolu and other 4th generation Pokemon don't exist in previous generation Pokemon games this means it can't be obtained in firered or any game before that.

How do you make riolu evolve in mystery dungeon explorers or sky?

Well, after you beat the WHOLE game, (yes i know that sucks) you can go to Luminous Spring. Go there with a Sun Ribbon and then you can evolve Riolu into Lucario! ^.^

Can you get a shiny riolu?

save before the egg is about to hatch then keep turning off your game until you get one

How do you you become a female riolu in explorers of sky?

well sadly you can't start the game with one (believe me I've tried forever to get a girl riolu) but you can occasionally find one in crystal cave from B4F-B8F

Does ash get riolu?

Ash does not get riolu but it does follow him in Pokemon ranger and the kidnaped riolu and Ash wants to bring him back so he does alitle bit.....