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The original Ferris wheel was designed by George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., as a landmark for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The name later came to be used generically for all such rides.

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Q: Who made the first fairest wheel?
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Roue la plus belle

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For a wheel to become a car wheel, it has to be to go on a car. So the guy who built the first car wheel must have been working for the guy who built the first car.

What is the ISBN of Fairest?

The ISBN of Fairest is 0060734086.

When was Fairest created?

Fairest was created in 2006.

Who invented the first wheel?

The Sumerians invented the wheel. They made out of steel, iron and rock.

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It was first made in 1000B.C!

When the first wheel made?

10 000 B.C.

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Fairest has 326 pages.

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