because they are the one who made and best of it... its their own and not to be followed
Fine art: sculpting, painting, drawing. Crafts: ceramics, weaving, woodwork. Of course crafts can have artistic value.
They make their nests by weaving fine grasses. The nest is in a cup shape.
Tlingit artists are known for their fine basket and carving arts, including totem poles, and for their exceptional Chilkat robes and other weavings. Here is a website about Tlingit artwork in general.
single basket strainer is used for filtering at one stage,ehile double strainer is used for filtering at both sages ,i.e coarse and fine
marcella, which refers to a weaving style, normally used with cotton yarn, which is characterized by raised parallel cords or fine ribbing.
Silas Marner possesses the talent of weaving, specifically in creating fine linen and cloth. He is known for his exceptional skill and precision in his craft, which provides him with a source of income before he relocates to Raveloe.
Fine Jewlery.
Very fine sediments are known as silt.
Maybe. It will depend on if the requirements have changed. Something like basket weaving or wood carving should be fine. First aid could be very different. Check the requirements and last revision date at to see if you have a current copy. You usually have 6 months from the date of a revision to complete the merit badge, otherwise you have to use the newest requirements.
It is known for silverware and fine jewerly
The sapa Inca clothing was made by skilled artisans known as acllas, who were chosen women specially trained in weaving and textile production. They used fine materials like alpaca wool, cotton, and feathers to create intricate and elaborate garments for the royalty.