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Well, let's just put it this way, what goes up, must come down

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Q: Why should skaters be worried about gravity?
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Do figure skaters defy gravity?

No, they do not. The jump and leap, but gravity never ceases acting upon them.

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No, you should not be worried. It is fine.

How does pumping increase skaters acceleration?

Pumping involves transferring weight and shifting body positions to generate momentum through turns in the terrain. By using this technique, skaters can convert potential energy into kinetic energy, which helps increase their acceleration. This allows skaters to maintain and build speed effectively without relying solely on pushing or gravity.

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Does the friend has the history of stealing. If he does then you should be worried, but if he does not you should not be worried. But to be safe, you can keep you stuff on safe place to avoid excuses.

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Why do skaters where shoe strings on their pants?

its just a skaters fashion

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