The square of the square root of 36.
Which can also be stated as the square of 6.
2 answers
You should not seek advice about a whelping female dog on an internet site.
Contact your local vets immediately for advice. It may be that she is fine but one simply cannot tell that by asking a question on a website, there are too many things to ask about the female dog.
Contact your vets now!
1 answer
It is length * width * height.
1 answer
Yes, she did. Her husband was David Downer, an actor.
1 answer
Take initiatives, take actions or call for taking an action.
1 answer
1. Find a problem
2. Develop a Hypothesis
3. Test out hypothesis
4. Organize the data
5. Find a conclusion
6. Repeat 1-3 to be sure
1 answer
In my opion its soccer.All sports are cool.Maybe try basketball or vollyball.
1 answer
There are many physical phenomena that can be modelled by sine waves:
Waves in water are an obvious example,
Compression and rarefaction in the propagation of sound,
Transmission of all electromagnetic radiation,
Vibrations of strings in musical instruments,
Bodies "bouncing" on a spring.
Also, more complicated motion can be modelled by a superposition of many sine waves (using Fourier transforms). This enables complex motions to be studied more easily.
1 answer
No, they provide one for you at a reasonable price. But you must not forget to bring the Instruction manual of the TSX Razorblade lawnmower with adjustable seatheaters. Furthermore, remember you are in East Poland here, so It can be warm in the sun.
1 answer
twister makes barrels in all the standard threads.
1 answer
It need not be if:
the number of samples is small;
the elements within each sample, and the samples themselves are not selected independently.
1 answer
Dominique's are steady and good winter layers. They often produce eggs every day or every other day. They are considered moderate layers.
1 answer
no not that i am aware of because i think they related to coper heads ( from us )
1 answer
Loughery was head coach of the Bulls for two seasons ... 1983-84 and 1984-85. His two year record with the team was 65-99.
1 answer
Make objective decisions about the validity of the hypotheses.
1 answer
Because in Africa...Blacks and Whites were separated. Whites had more power than Blacks...in the Springboks team then, there was only white players. Ofcourse some people didn't like this and protested.
Look it up on Wikipedia...Stupid -_- I learnt this when I was 10...how old are you?
1 answer
Coelacanths are well known from the fossil record of 400 million to 75 million years ago.
1 answer
The size of the koi will depend on many factors such as what type of koi it is, how much and what you feed it and the size of the aquarium or pond you keep it in.
1 answer
No. The sum of any odd number of odd numbers will be an odd number.
1 answer
Because older A/C systems were designed to use R-12 coolant and they do not run as efficiently using R-134. Manufacture of R-12 was banned in the US due to concerns over it's adverse effects on the ozone layer.
1 answer
Oh I don't know.... Roger Federer?
1 answer
There are no diameters for squares; let us just make that clear. Diameter only applies for circles (Line that goes through centre of circle and touches edges). However, diameters in squares would be simply length(but went through centre). Therefore it could be anywhere between 15-~21.2132. (Straight length/width or diagonal or anywhere else.)
Hope this helps :D
(I'm Australian-centre, not center)
1 answer
Yes. There are no restrictions on who can theoretically join Arsenal's academy, but it does of course provide that you are good enough for them to offer you a spot and that you can obtain a permit for living in the UK.
1 answer
um probably not but first off whats smurf meat
1 answer
Australia and New Zealand are both countries of their own and therefore don't have any other countries within them. Australia has separate states and territories within it. e.g. Western Australia, Queensland, Victoria, Northern Territory etc.
1 answer
Well Dr. Robotnik / Eggman's IQ is 300. And as for Tails, I don't know. I'd guess it was somewhere around 200 to 250, so their combined IQ is probably around 550
1 answer
Brac University, AIUB, NSU,EWU,AUST, UAP, IUB, UIU etc
1 answer