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Hot Topic i guess is what people will generally give you an answer but theres this place called buffalo exchange that i really like! you can sell them clothes for money and also buy clothes from them. They have really neat cool vintage stuff. theres band tshirts skinny jeans belts sunglasses dresses wristbands cool shoes and much more :) hope this helped and theyre all over the united states IF thats where you live!

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16y ago

Yes, there should be a hot topic in the chichester or in a town near chichester.

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Q: Are there any emo shops in chichester?
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In Austria there are not emo-shops

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Carnaby Street has some.

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You can be any age to be emo but u have to be a true emo to be emo at any age

Do you know where are emo-shops in Seattle?

They shop at Hot Topic. Like Me! :oP

Where is the Chichester Town Library in Chichester located?

The address of the Chichester Town Library is: 161 Main Street, Chichester, 03258 6512

What is emo sign?

There isn't any emo sign

Where are most emo boys?

Well they could be anywhere. Check around concerts, shops, anywhere.

Is there actually any shops where you can get emo t-shirts in a size 6. im small lol?

Try Hottopic, the mens XS fits me and I'm 5'2 and really thin.

Where in the UK can you find emo shops?

well i live in the west midland in herefordshire but in Birmingham there are shops such as blue banana and vyper but why not search on the internet to find some local shops dude <3

Are there any emo's in Miami?

Yes, I'm an emo and i live in Miami.


HMS Salisbury did not rescue Sir Francis Chichester in either 1971 or 1973. Sir Francis Chichester completed his solo circumnavigation in 1967 aboard his yacht, Gipsy Moth IV. HMS Salisbury was not involved in any rescue missions related to Chichester's voyages.

If you are 13 can you be an emo?

sure...if you're at any age, you can be emo I'm 13 and I'm emo... so yeah.