once your payment has cleared, the seller posts it, usually by royal mail in my experience but sometimes courier. some items are collection only though (usually large items) so double check the details when you order
eBay themselves don't sell anything; they are only "a platform", as they say.
The seller of your purchase is responsible to get the item to you. There is no specific way that seller has to get the item to you; some send via Royal Mail , USPS or other postal service while others use couriers. Some sellers will allow you to collect the item direct from them.
Make sure that you check the listing details - before you bid - so that you are sure of all of the seller's terms, including the means of delivery and what they will charge you for that service.
It's free to buy and sell items on eBay and items on eBay can be fairly cheep.
eBay doesn't restrict to deliver to Pakistan but the manufactures. If manufacturer is ok with the delivery, eBay won't have reservations and will deliver at your desired destination.
eBay doesn't ship at all. Items you buy from eBay sellers are dispatched by the sellers themself and are shipped by the method the seller chooses. Some sellers will ship on weekends, some will not; you should be able to see more details about shipping on the item listing page that you purchased from.
Yes there is nothing stopping you from selling such items on Ebay.
that the items are not in your face on ebay
No, the items being sold on eBay are not confidential. All items listed on eBay are available for viewing and purchasing by anyone that visits the website..30
Some costs involved with selling items on eBay international include International Shipping and Customs Fees and Insurance Costs. You can sell items on eBay international from the official eBay website.
No, eBay doesn't handle the items for sale on site at all. You buy - and receive - items from individual sellers who can be located anywhere in the world.
Items you purchase on Ebay are paid in full.
people cannot be sold on ebay