The least count and maximum count of 6 electric appliances is 0.01MM and 25.00 MM respectively.
The formula for calculating the least count of a voltmeter is least count = Range / Number of divisions. Where the Range is the maximum voltage that the voltmeter can measure and the Number of divisions is the total number of divisions on the voltmeter scale.
least count of scale is 1mm
least count means L.C.
5 mm is the least count of theodolite.
least count for micrometer is 0.01mm0.01 mm
The least count of the micrometer screw can be calculated using the formula given below: Least count = 0.01 mm
digital micrometer least count calculation
The formula to calculate the least count of a micrometer is: Least count = Pitch of screw gauge / Number of divisions on circular scale
for a levelling staff the least count is 0.01in and in m 0.005m
Its least count is 0.001g i.e minimum among other balances.Its precision is maximum due to minimum least count.So electronic balance is an accurate balance.
least count of a micrometer= pitch/no of division on the circular scale
micro meter least count in British system