The average price of Raybans will depend on where one is purchasing them from. The average price of the Ray-Ban sunglasses in the United States is between $150 and $200.
You can find information on polarized sunglasses on 'Raybans' website. They offer information and tips on keeping your eyes in great shape in the sunny weather!
raybans insanely expensivee love raybans i got a pair at a garage sale for 10 bucks but the raybans still had the price tag on and it said they were $250 so i just thought OMG!!!!!!!! and sterling knight looks really hot while wearing them.
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Any good drug store or depatment store should carry sunglasses that are well constructed and guaranteed to block UV rays. Don't go cheap. Buy a name brand. If you buy cheap knock offs you will soon find they do not block sufficient UV and quickly fall apart. I did that for years and found I was throwing away my money. A few years ago I invested in a good pair of RayBans.
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I have a pair but sadly my eyesight has changed and for some unknown reason I cannot find those rimless raybans anywhere in los angeles. they are raybans, #8502 titanium 1003 52017 and the best pair of eye wear I have ever had. Look good, light and comfy
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