No. The BSA maintains list of famous Eagle Scouts and Payton would certainly be on one.
There is no citizenship requirement for Eagle Scout. You can earn it regardless of your citizenship.
No. And if a leader tells you you have to, ask him where it is in the book.
No. JFK was the first president to have been a boy scout as a youth. Gerald Ford is the only US president who had been an Eagle Scout.
The highest award a Girl Scout member of Girl Scouts of the USA can earn is the Girl Scout Gold Award. The Girl Scout must be a Girl Scout Senior or Girl Scout Ambassador in order to work on the 7 steps required to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award.
First you must earn the ranks of: Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, and Life in that order. Then you may achieve the Eagle rank.
To earn Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, you must earn a total of 21 merit badges, including the following:First AidCitizenship in the CommunityCitizenship in the NationCitizenship in the WorldCommunicationsPersonal FitnessEmergency Preparedness OR LifesavingEnvironmental SciencePersonal ManagementSwimming OR Hiking OR CyclingCampingFamily Life
The highest rank a Scout can earn is Eagle Scout. After the Eagle Scout is earned the Scout can continue to earn an Eagle Palm for each 5 merit badges. These are considered "devices" that can enhance the rank, but are not new ranks in themselves (a Scout with several Eagle Palms will still refer to his rank as Eagle Scout). The palms are awarded in the order of bronze, gold and silver after the military tradition of using silver for the highest honors. The head of the national organization is the Chief Scout. The highest award that an adult leader be earn is the Silver Buffalo for national level "extrodinary" service to youth. The service does not need to be in association with the BSA.
To earn Star Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, you must earn six merit badges, including any four from the required list for Eagle Scout.
The youngest Eagle Scout on record is Kaylan Ouerbacker, who achieved the rank at just 12 years old in 2004.
Yes. You can work on Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class requirements at the same time and there is no requirement for a specific period of time served. A common goal is to have new scouts earn First Class within a year but technically you could do it within weeks. Star scout then requires at least 4 months, Life Scout 6 months and and Eagle scout 6 months. So it is highly unlikely to actually occur, but it is technically possible to earn Eagle within a year and a half.
Service projects that can be done by an Eagle Scout include almost anything that is not a chore or a one-off fundraiser. For instance, creating a garden can be a project but weeding a school lawn may not.