Normally, you transfer the ones that you don't earn, like the Flag, the troop numbers, the Brownie Wings, and any special patches you bought at the store.
(You don't have to take these off if you don't want to. You can buy new ones at the store.)
And don't forget the Bronze award pin if you earned your Bronze award.
It all usually depends on what you want on your vest. If you want your favorite patch, say, the Theater patch, on your vest/sash, go for it. But you can't earn badges as a cadette. You earn IP's, but you probably already knew that.
No, the Cadette badges are different than Junior badges.
For GSUSA, you should either purchase or borrow a copy of the Cadette Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting. The requirements for all of the Girl Scout Cadette Badges are listed in that book. You can also earn badges by completing "Journeys". Again, you will need to buy or borrow the Journey books and complete the requirements listed in the books.
In September of 2011, GSUSA began using new books called, "The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting", one for each level. The book for the Cadette level is a binder with new and 'Legacy' badges and the Cadette badges have a diamond shape.
The Bridge to Cadette Girl Scout Award is placed directly under the Brownie Wings on a Cadette sash or vest.
A Girl Scout Cadette is a level in girl scouts after Juniors and before Seniors. A Cadette does every thing Girl Scouts do except can do more advanced things. In addition: For Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), the Girl Scout Cadette level is for grades 6, 7, and 8.
Girl Scouts of the USA has six levels and each level's badge has a different shape. Each badge is either screen printed or embroidered with a design depicting the theme of the badge. Girl Scout Daisy badges are shaped like flower petals and leaves. Girl Scout Brownie badges are triangle shaped. Girl Scout Junior badges are circles. Girl Scout Cadette badges are diamond shaped. Girl Scout Senior badges are rectangles. Girl Scout Ambassador badges have a unique shape, sort of a square with the corners rounded in. See Related Links for links to pictures of the badges. Note: GSUSA is currently in transition to a new book for all levels. The above badge shapes are for the new badges.
You can find scout badges at
No, anyone qualified can help a Cadette girl scout with interest patches. But check with your leader first before starting one.
There are many Boy Scout merit badges. There are more than 100 badges. They range from swimming to rifle shooting to Citizenship badges.
In the USA, Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors all wear a tan vest. See related links to see what a Cadette/Senior/Ambassador vest looks like.
One the Cadette Girl Scout vest, the Bronze Award pin is worn to the right of the insignia tab. On the Cadette Girl Scout Sash, the Bronze Award pin is worn to the left of the Troop Numerals.
Girl Scouts of the USA changed to a grade level system rather than an age level. So a Girl Scout Cadette is in grades 6, 7, or 8. A Girl Scout Senior is grades 9 or 10. A Girl Scout Ambassador is grades 11 or 12.