Five S certification is intended to result in profitability, efficiency, service and safety. The 5S refers to 5 Japanese words that start with S: seiri, selton, seiso, seiketsu and finally shitsuke.
21 5s
It is 5s + 4d.
-6s+10 = -5s 5s-6s = -10 -s = -10 s = 10
5S in Total Quality Management (TQM) is a systematic approach to workplace organization. 5S is about efficiency, competitiveness and survival.
It is: 5s(5s-3)
5s = 0
The iphone 5s is better
In the Rb atom, the electron configuration is [Kr]5s^1. This means there is 1 electron in the 5s sublevel of the Rb atom.
in the US the iphone 5s is already out, if you are intrested in buying or purchasing an iphone 5s then you could purchase it now
5s - 6 = 2s, ie 5s - 2s = 6, ie 3s = 6, ie s = 2