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they should prevent them from happening again

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the goverment has done nothing

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Q: Find out 2 main sources of air pollution and write briefly on the action the government takes to reduce the pollution?
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What are the 2 main sources of air pollution and what action has the government taken?

methane is one

What is the 2 main sources of air pollution and what action the government take to reduce this types of air pollution?

The two main sources of air pollution are:Anthropogenic sources or also known as human activity--- Like nuclear weapons, toxic gases, germ ware fare and rocketry (gas from rockets).Natural sources---Like smoke and carbon monoxide from wild fires in the forests.What the Singapore government has done about it:For human activities, they have tried to stop people from using their own cars and use public transport instead.But for natural sources, I do not know yet. Sorry.

What was the Ganga action plan?

The Ganga Action Plan (GAP) was a successful program initiated by the Government of India in 1985 to reduce pollution in the Ganga river.

Is there a case study on ganga action plan?

The Ganga Action Plan was a program launched by the Government of India in April 1985. The mission of the plan was to reduce the pollution load on the river Ganga. The Indian Government spent over 900 core Rupees on this project but it failed to decrease the pollution level in the river.

What action did the Singapore government do to reduce air pollution?

by increasing the prices of cars so that someone would if afford than buy a car to reduce air pollution and to use bycle

What action you can take about the pollution?

no smoking

Why do you think government should take action against adulteration and air pollution?

I am personally opposed to air pollution because I breathe the air, and if it is polluted, my health is going to suffer. There are also very urgent concerns about global warming, which is affected by air pollution. I also do not like my food and beverages to be adulterated.

What is a government plan of action called?

A plan of action adopted by a government is a policy.

What is the difference between government action and private action?

i think that government action is something that you do with the government. private action is like something you do as a family or a small grupe of people.

Are Yangtze pink river dolphins extinct?

A numerous amount of Baiji were hunted thanks to the initiative by the government, but this was short lived as the government took action and banned hunting it. However, ever since pollution degradation of its environment lead to its extinction.

What are the steps taken by Government of India to prevent pollution?

The government of India has taken many steps to help prevent pollution in the country. They are phasing out old vehicles, they have mass transit, and all newer vehicles have Catalytic Converters.

Which action influences the abiotic components of an organism's environment?

Water Pollution