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both benefited and oppressed culturally diverse populations

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Q: Both benefited and oppressed culturally diverse populations?
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The opposite of a country that is homogeneous would be a country that is culturally . A. oppressed B. diverse C. postracial D. appropriated?


Which statement accurately reflects population changes that occurred as a result of the age of exploration?

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Which nations are the most culturally diverse?

There is no single way to measure how culturally diverse a country is. India has more languages in daily use and more different religions and cultures than any other country. Canada and the United States are both culturally diverse countries with large populations who are immigrants and many people who do not speak the primary languages or adhere to the cultural norms of the majority. Indonesia has tremendous cultural diversity scattered among hundreds of islands. Some countries are culturally diverse in that they have multiple roughly equal cultures within their borders. Macedonia and Montenegro are examples.

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Athens and Sparta were both culturally Greek so there is no point in saying they were culturally diverse and there was a geographic reason for difference.

What is CALD in nursing?

stands for culturally and linguistically diverse

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Is Britain a culturally diverse society?

Yes we are - Great Brittain is resident to a diverse number of cultures.

What is the meaning of culturally diversity?

Diverse culture is a culture that is diverse and has many different races in the society.

What are the most culturally diverse nations?

i believe it would be china and japan mainly, since those countries consist of the same populations of people and have the same cultures as anyone else in those nations.

What is diverse populations?

ask mr. dollarhide

What are the most culturally diverse places in latin America?

it's cities.