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Well, you can become more attuned to certain cultural needs for the persons ideals on medicine and health issues.

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1d ago

Studying sociology in nursing helps nurses understand how social factors, such as culture, race, gender, and socioeconomic status, impact health and healthcare delivery. It enables nurses to provide more holistic and culturally competent care to diverse patient populations. Additionally, sociology provides insights into how healthcare systems function and how policies influence health outcomes, empowering nurses to advocate for social justice and health equity.

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Q: What is the relevance of studying sociology in nursing?
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Sociology is not a hard science like physics or chemistry, as it deals with human behavior in social contexts rather than natural phenomena. It is also not focused on individual psychology or therapy, but rather on societal patterns and structures. Additionally, sociology is not prescriptive or value-neutral; it involves critical analysis of social issues and often seeks to promote social justice and equality.

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There is great importance in sociology and imagination when studying society. Understanding sociology and imagination can help researchers find out what is important in the society that they are studying and why.

How does sociology apply in nursing?

I know this.......... nursing is sociology--like-- because htey talk and help others.

How will studying nursing enhance your future career?

If in your future career information you gain while studying nursing can be put to use, studying nursing will have enhanced it.

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What is the relevance of anthropology in nursing?

The relevance of anthropology in nursing helps the nurses to understand humans well. This is a study of a person's past and present in accordance to their social background.

Importance of study of sociology in nursing?

Sociology is important in nursing to understand the backgrounds of the people you will be dealing with. It also helps you understand the system of the hospital setting.

What is the importance of studying of sociology?

ka tangahan