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Waged independence wars against Spain.

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Q: By 1819 most of Spain's Latin American colonies did what?
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By 1819 most of Spain's Latin American colonies had what?

By 1819, most of Spain's Latin American colonies had begun their fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule. This movement towards independence was fueled by various factors including political and economic discontent, as well as inspiration from the ideals of the Enlightenment and the success of other independence movements around the world.

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In 1819, the Native American land comprised of 50% of the continental U.S.

Did Spain extend its empire to Florida?

Yes, Florida used to be one of Spain's colonies, but it was acquired by the US in 1819.

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Was florida one of the original 13 colonies?

No. Florida was a Spanish Colony until 1819 and the Adam-Onis Treaty.

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MArk TwAiN

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Herman Melville (1819-1891), American novelist, was born in New York City.

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1819 = 1819/1 or 18190/10, for example.

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Dickenson was a afican american invented the recored player arm on january 8 1819

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Herman Melville was born in New York City, New York, USA.