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a personal presentation of events and characters, influenced by author's feeling and opinions

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14h ago
  1. "I can't believe that people think climate change is real. It's just a natural cycle that the earth goes through." This statement is a subjectivity fallacy because it denies the objective evidence supporting climate change by appealing to personal beliefs rather than factual data.

  2. "I don't like that movie, so it must be terrible." This is an example of subjectivity fallacy because it equates personal taste with objective quality, ignoring the possibility that others may have a different perspective.

  3. "I've never experienced prejudice, so systemic racism doesn't exist." This statement commits the subjectivity fallacy by relying on personal experiences to dismiss objective evidence of a widespread social issue.

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Q: Examples of subjectivity fallacy
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What is the connection between objectivity and subjectivity in sociological research?

Objectivity is the idea that research should be unbiased and free from personal influence, while subjectivity recognizes that researchers' backgrounds and perspectives can shape their interpretations. Sociological research should strive for objectivity by employing rigorous methods and avoiding bias, but researchers must also acknowledge their subjectivity and how it may influence their work. Balancing objectivity and subjectivity is essential for producing valid and reliable sociological research.

Which of the following is a form of the overgeneralization fallacy?

Stereotyping is a form of the overgeneralization fallacy, where a broad assumption is made about a group of people based on limited or biased information.

What is the first rule in sociology?

The first goal of each science is to explain why something happens. the first rule of sociology is to study phenomena as things or as out of you, this need to earning subjectivity.

'My friend who goes to college in another state said girls from that sorority are mean that girl we just met Tracy is from the same sorority so I don't trust her' - what type of fallacy is this?

This is an example of guilt by association fallacy, where someone assumes that because Tracy is part of the same sorority as girls mentioned to be mean by the friend, Tracy must also be mean. It is an unfair generalization based on limited information.

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