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What artifacts tell us most about is how people used to do things in the past and you can compare the artwork from now to then

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Q: How do artifacts represent beliefs and values of culture?
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A culture is definded as a system of shared VBBN's. What does the V represent?

Values. VBBN stands for Values, Beliefs, Behaviors, and Norms.

Six elements of culture?

The six elements of culture are beliefs, values, norms, symbols, language, and material culture. Beliefs refer to the ideas and convictions that a culture holds to be true. Values are the standards and principles that a culture deems important. Norms are the accepted behaviors and guidelines within a culture. Symbols are objects or gestures that have a specific meaning within a culture. Language is the system of communication within a culture. Material culture refers to the physical objects and artifacts that are created and used by a culture.

What refers to the beliefs and morality of a given culture?

Values refers to the beliefs and morality of a given culture.

Beliefs and morality of a given culture?

Beliefs in a culture refer to the values, ideals, and principles that guide individuals within that society, shaping their understanding of the world and their place in it. Morality, on the other hand, pertains to the differentiation between right and wrong behavior based on these beliefs, often influencing ethical decision-making. Together, beliefs and morality create a framework for societal norms and standards that help maintain order and cohesion within a culture.

Can a counselor be value-neutral?

No, because we are human and our values, beliefs, and culture have shaped how we process the smallest details. We can only strive to manage how our values, beliefs, and culture will influence our role as counselors.

What does VBBN's stand for?

VBBN stands for the 4 components of culture, Values, Beliefs, Behaviours, & Norms.

What is the definition of business values and beliefs?

Business values and beliefs refer to the core principles and ethics that guide an organization's decisions and actions. They shape the company's culture, establish its identity, and influence its relationships with stakeholders. These values and beliefs are often reflected in the company's mission statement and code of conduct.

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What is formation of normative cultural values?

what is the formation of normative cultural values???? can we really define "normal culture"?? Values are what is important to you. what are your values? now what ever you believe and what ever is your culture you just live by your culture beliefs and you live by them following your values in life.

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What was the impact of learning the British language cultural values and beliefs on Africans?

it combine the culture and beliefs ao african